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Black Truffle


PAT - Traditional Agri-
It 'a subterranean fungus that lives in symbiosis with the roots of many trees including dogwoods, maples, oaks, willows, hazel, oak and poplar.

Aging: from November to March
Shape: Rounded with black and wrinkled skin
Interior: black-purple with thin whitish veins that form a dense network
Smell: Soft
Taste: delicate

Next to the black truffle Tuber aestivum are collected or Scorzone summer (which is harvested from June to August) the Tuber Uncinatum Scorzone or winter (which is harvested from October to December) and Tuber Albidum or Bleach (which collects from January to March).

There are specialized centers involved in the storage, processing and marketing of truffles.